Sunshine Cake

Sunshine Cake is a silent musical film, merging fiction and documentary, performance and storytelling, musical and cinematographic narrative expressions. The interdisciplinary nature of this project motivates its original goal – a perfect balance between image and sound. Sunshine Cake invites for a meditative audiovisual reflection about memory. The basis of the script is Morta’s memory of her birthday. The narrative is built without words: only employing cinematic language and music. The actors are the performers of Vilnius contemporary music ensemble “Synaesthesis”, who are also performing the score.


Production country


Adas Burkšaitis Adomas Jablonskis Agata Tracevič Agnė Girsaitė Agnė Kupšytė Airidas Janušauskas Aistė S. Gram Aistė Žegulytė Akvilė Gelažiūtė Akvilė Žilionytė Albina Griniūtė Algina Bedulskė Almantas Petkūnas Anastasija Piroženko Andriejus Kazlauskas Andrius Bartkus Andrius Blaževičius Andrius Lekavičius Andrius Šarapovas Andrius Žemaitis Antanas Skučas Anu-Laura Tuttelberg Armas Rudaitis Arnas Balčiūnas Arnolda Noir Artūras Jevdokimovas Audrius Antanavičius Augustė Baltrūnaitė Augustė Gerikaitė Aušra Lukošiūnienė Aušrinė Kurgonaitė Austė Urbanavičiūtė Austėja Urbaitė Balys Kumža Beatričė Bukantytė Beatričė Sofija Piesliakaitė Birutė Kapustinskaitė Birutė Sodeikaitė Dagnė Gumbrevičiūtė Dali Rust Daniel Kreizberg Danielius Minkevičius Darius Jarašūnas Darius Šilėnas David Doutel & Vasco Sá David Heinemann Deimantas Narkevičius Domas Petronis Dominyka Adomaitytė Dominykas Morkūnas Dominykas Valiukas Dovilė Petkūnaitė Dovilė Šarutytė Dovydas Drakšas Džiugas Šėma Edita Rudak Eglė Bertašiūtė Eglė Burbaitė Eglė Davidavičė Eglė Razumaitė Eglė Rupaitė Eitvydas Doškus Elena Kairytė Elena Rožukaitė Elena Rožukaitė Elvina Nevardauskaitė Elvina Nevardauskaitė and David Heinemann Elžbieta Josadė Emilija Juzeliūnaitė Emilija Martinkevič Emilija Rivière Erika Vizbaraitė Ernestas Jankauskas Evelina Dapkutė Gabija Beatričė Rimkutė Gabrielė Labanauskaitė Gabrielė Urbonaitė Gailė Garnelytė Gantas Bendikas Gediminas Šiaulys Gediminas Venckus Gerda Krutaja Gertrūda Nemčauskaitė Gianluca Sodaro Giedrė Beinoriūtė Giedrė Narušytė Boots Giedrė Žickytė Giedrius Tamoševičius Gintarė Parulytė Gintarė Valevičiūtė-Brazauskienė Gintė Regina Greta Griniūtė Greta Stančiauskaitė Henrikas Kuzmickas Ieva Javaitytė Ieva Juodelytė Ieva Lukauskaitė Ieva Miškinytė Ieva Morkūnaitė
Marta Finkelštein, Synaesthesis
Kristijonas Dirsė
Linas Žiūra
Kristijonas Dirsė
Sound designer
MAMA studios
Dominykas Digimas
Morta Nakaitė, Ugnė Adelė Nakaitė
Production company
Šiuolaikinė Ausis


Kristijonas Dirsė

Director's biography

Adas Burkšaitis

Adas Burkšaitis graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2012. During his undergraduate years, Adas became obsessed with cinema, theatre, and contemporary art. In 2017, he directed the stage play “Honey I’m Home”, which was a repertoire show at Menų spaustuvė in Vilnius. He has also written and directed short films. In 2020, Adas began his postgraduate studies in film directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.

“I didn’t start my professional career as a director. After finishing school, I studied Computer Science at the University of Cambridge, then worked as a researcher and software engineer at Google, Barclays and T-Mobile. Finally, after several years in the technology industry, I gathered the courage to start working on my dream to direct films. My background has an important influence on my creative work. Personal experiences not only inspire stories but also determine the themes I work on. I am interested in technology, growing isolation among people, and disillusionment.”



Static (2020, short fiction)

Advice / Konsultacija (2020, short fiction)

Obojus (2021, short fiction)

Rekonstrukcija (2022, short documentary)

On Purpose / Mėta (2023, short fiction)

Left-handed pen / Tušinukas (2024, short fiction)

Adomas Jablonskis

Adomas Jablonskis (b. 1981 in Lithuania). A cinematographer and film editor Adomas Jablonskis is a student of a legendary Lithuanian cinematographer Algimantas Mikutėnas. Adomas’ career began as a documentarian. At the moment he is mostly working with features. Short film “The Loops of Emptiness” is Adomas’ directorial debut.


The Loops of Emptiness / Tuštumos kilpos (2015, short fiction)

Agata Tracevič

Agata Tracevič was born in the year 2000 in Vilnius, Lithuania. From 2019 to 2023 she was studying at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, in the Animation programme of the Photography and Media Art department. She recently graduated from the Vilnius Academy of Arts with her bachelor project and debut film, “Plica polonica”. Using 2D animation and writing as her tools, she researches the depths of the human experience, the mystery and wisdom of our everyday fairytales, and is inspired by her sometimes confusing Lithuanian-Polish heritage. Nowadays, she is trying to learn to navigate the waves of adult life together with her art.


Plica polonica (2023, short animation)

Agnė Girsaitė

Agnė Girsaitė (born on November 11th 1999) is a Lithuanian director and screenwriter. In 2024, she completed her film directing studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, where she had previously also studied screenwriting. Alongside her primary focus in filmmaking, she mostly works in script continuity and director’s departments. She is also a film educator at ‘Skalvija’ Film Academy and coordinator of ‘Youngblood’ Film School, both of which introduce school students to the world of filmmaking. Her graduation film, ‘Closeout’ (original title: ‘Ką seniai užmiršau’), premiered in the international short film competition program at the 62nd Gijón International Film Festival. The film continues to tour other film festivals. Currently, Agnė is working on her debut short film script and theme analysis.



On Cloud Nine / Devintam danguj (2022, short fiction)

Procession / Procesija (2023, short fiction)

Closeout / Ką seniai užmiršau (2024, short fiction)

Agnė Kupšytė

She was born in 1988. Studied set and costume design at Vilnius Academy of Arts. Agnė works in the fields of theatre and film.


Drought / Sausra (2015, short animation)

Airidas Janušauskas

In year 2010 created first short film „In school front nothing new“ . Short won a prize for the best picture in students competition programme „Dublis”.

In year 2012 founded company „Videography“. In last three years more than 50 commercial, representational, documentary and animation videos were directed.
In year 2015 finished Cultural industries study programme in VGTU.
In year 2015 short film “The Wrong partner” took second place and received a nomination for best montage in international short film festival „4 Points Film Project“. Link to the film:
In year 2016 directed first professional short movie „The Shoe“.


The Shoe / Batas (2016, short fiction)

Aistė S. Gram

Aistė S. Gram is a Lithuanian born, U.K. film industry schooled filmmaker and actress (you can recognise her from films such as Wildfire, Bridget Jones’s Baby and Eurovision: The Story of Fire Saga). She is a recent graduate of the Lithuanian Shorts Mentorship 2020, where she first started developing the idea for Mažoji. This is Aistė’s debut as a writer-director.


Mažoji (2022, short fiction)

Aistė Žegulytė

Aistė Žegulytė was born in 1986 in Panevėžys, Lithuania. There she has graduated from K. Paltarokas high school and Fine Arts School. During 2006 – 2009 she has studied Photographic Technology at Vilnius University of Applied Engineering Sciences. Since 2009 she is studying Television Directing at Lithuanian Music and Theater Academy. At the moment she is working on her film, a thesis for her BA studies. So far she has made several fictional and documentary short films. Her first feature documentary film is “Animus Animalis (a story about People, Animals and Things)”.


Vita / Vita (2010, short documentary)
Shoo! / Škac (2012, short fiction)
Nikodemas / Nikodemas (2012, short fiction)
Identities / Tapatumai (2013, short documentary)
Animus Animalis (a story about People, Animals and Things) / Animus Animalis (istorija apie žmones, žvėris ir daiktus) (2018, feature documentary)

Akvilė Gelažiūtė

Akvile Gelažiūtė (1990) – fiction and documentary film director and doctoral student of Film Directing at Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy (LMTA). Her feature documentary “Deminas: The Two Towers” (2015) won as The Best Student Movie of the year at Lithuanian national film awards “Silver Crane”. Currently working as a lecturer of Media production in VilniusTech University and doing artistic research on the topic “Absurd Humor Strategies in Cinema” (LMTA).


The Best Of The Department / Geriausias skyriuj (2012, short fiction)
There Was No Holy Mary / Marijos nebuvo (2014, short fiction)
Deminas: Two Towers / Deminas: dvi tvirtovės (2015, documentary)
Neregėta Europa / Europe Unseen (2019, feature documentary)
Buffet / Bufetas (2020, short fiction)
Standart Pressure: 34 PSI / 2.2 atmosferos arba vidutinis slėgis (2022, short fiction)

Akvilė Žilionytė

Akvilė Žilionytė (b. 1987) studied Linguistics and Literature at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. She has published two books. In 2018, Akvilė got her MA in Film Directing at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. Her first short documentary “The Daytime Is Not For Me” premiered at Hamburg Short Film Festival 2018, and was screened in Vienna, Tirana, Vilnius, Riga, Berlin, Istanbul and other international film festivals. Her second short documentary “A Piece For Two Hands” had its world premiere at the “Sound & Image Challenge” International Film Festival 2018 in Macau. Akvilė’s newest documentary film “Windows” premiered at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival.


The Daytime Is Not For Me / Diena man ne (2017, short documentary)
A Piece For Two Hands / Pjesė dviem rankoms (2018, short documentary/fiction)
Windows / Langai (2018, short documentary)

Albina Griniūtė

Albina Griniūtė (born in Vilnius, 1985) has studied Publishing in Vilnius University and Audiovisual Media in the Baltic Film and Media School in Tallinn, Estonia. In 2007– 2008 she studied film directing as an Erasmus exchange student in Anadolu university, Turkey. She has taken part in various international film projects in Lithuania, Russia, Serbia, Finalnd. Was a participant of the Berlinale Talent Campus in 2011 and in the Cannes Film Festival’s Critic’s Week as a participant of the documentary project Cineboat.


A Place We Call Home / Našlaitynas (2012, short documentary)
Paradise Gowns / Ateljė „Rojaus drabužiai (2016, 52min. documentary)

Algina Bedulskė

Algina Navickaitė (1989) was born and raised in Alytus county. Algina took part in Alytus Youth Centre theatre lectures. She also is one of the first alumni of “Aparte” theatre school. While learning the actress trade, Algina together with her classmates created her first short movies, which were nominated and won national titles.

After graduating high school she moved to Vilnius seeking studies in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre to become a TV and Cinema director. In her free time, she took on public events and music videos. After studies, she worked as an executive producer in “Menu Fabrikas Loftas”, working with names like Nicolas Jaar, Roisin Murphy, John Newman, Glass Animals,
Moderat and more. She is also the founder of “Open Gallery” (formerly “Art Stage”) in Lofas fest. Algina is also attributed to the creation and realisation of “Up Town Market”. After “Loft” became the host of “Future Short” festival Algina took on the roles of executive producer and art director.

Algina Bedulskė started her independent director career creating TV commercials and music videos. What led to starting her own production company. With her peers, she started the “Easy art in action” movement, which creates independent art projects and experiments. 2021 Algina Bedulskė and co-creator Giedrė Žaliauskaitė present the first official experimental genre short movie “Still Here” which is supposed to pave a way for Algina’s debut experimental movie “Vidinis šauksmas”.


When she walks near me / Kai ji vaikšto šalia (2011, short film)

The bridge of grass snakes / Žalčių tiltas (2012, short fiction)

We create the titles / Pavadinimus kuriame patys (2013, short documentary)

Still Here / Vis dar čia (2021, short experimental)

Almantas Petkūnas

Almantas Petkūnas is a debuting Lithuanian filmmaker based in London. Shortly after receiving his BA in History, Almantas began working as a high fashion model. Surrounded by the industry’s top photographers, he decided to pursue his own passions in photography and audio-visual arts. In 2016, he received his MA with a distinction in Film and Television Production from the Cambridge School of Art. His short experimental film “Alter Ego” was selected to represent his university at the annual Nahemi Student Film Festival.


Alter Ego (2015, short experimental)

& I / Ir aš (2015, short documentary)

This Delicate Cage / Trapus narvas (2016, short documentary)

Outsiders / Autsaideriai (2019, short documentary)

Anastasija Piroženko

Anastasija Piroženko (b. 1988) is an audio-visual artist and filmmaker currently based in Amsterdam. Her practice spans documentary filmmaking and fiction, video installations, and photography. Her films have been screened at several international film festivals, including Visions du Reel International Film Festival (2017), Montreal International Documentary Film Festival (2017), Vilnius International Film Festival (2013) and etc.


Temporarily / Laikinai (2011, short documentary)
God’s Eaters / Dievo valgytojai (2013, short documentary)
24 (2015, short experimental)
Syndromes of Mimicry / Mimikrija ir jos sindromai (2017, short experimental fiction)

Andriejus Kazlauskas

Andriejus Kazlauskas (b.1981). Independent filmmaker, cinematographer. In 2010 finished studies in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, BA in audiovisual arts.


Switchman (2008, short documentary)
War nam nihadan (2009, short fiction)
Let’s Play (2010, short fiction)

Andrius Bartkus

2005 graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts with a degree in photography and media arts. 2020 obtained a master’s degree in Film art (specialization – directing) at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. Since 2000 until now he works as a director, operator, editing director and producer at UAB Be Tabu ir Ko.


Vampire (2000, short fiction)

Flegma (2001, short fiction)

VDA pristatymas (2002, short fiction)

Gagarin Dream.Love Songs (2002, short fiction)

Knyga (2003, short fiction)

VDA 10-metų (2003, short fiction)

Viskas liks kitaip (2005, short fiction)

Juozas Ambrazevičius-Brazaitis. Likau gyvenimo paraštėje (2012, documentary)

Konsensuso metai (2012, documentary)

Energy, Security and NATO. A view from Vilnius (2012, documentary)

Leitgiris (2017, short fiction)

Džiaugsmas (2018, short fiction)

Leitis (2018, short fiction)

Susitarimas (2018, short fiction)

Įtrūkis (2019, short fiction)

Raimondas Navakauskas Išpažintis (2019, documentary)

Baimė (2020, short fiction)

Eine Schokoladen Lampe (2020, short fiction)

Andrius Blaževičius

Andrius Blaževičius was born on June 26th, 1985 in Vilnius. After finishing St. Christophe’s high school, he started culture and anthropology studies at Vilnius University. After a year he entered Lithuanian Music and Theater Academy for film directing studies. During his studies Blaževičius directed six short films, one of them is documentary. In 2011 he graduated from Lithuanian Music and Theater Academy with a master’s degree in TV and film directing. At the moment Blaževičius works as a freelance director. Since 2010 he has been a program director for Vilnius International Short Film Festival.


While Andrius Blaževičius Was Young and Inexperienced (2006, short fiction)
The Death of McCaulay Culkin (2007, short fiction)
Vytautas (2008, short fiction)
Bergen (2009, short short fiction)
Ten Reasons (2011, short fiction)
A Story of a Deportee Exiled by her Own Father (2011, short documentary)
The Saint (2016, feature fiction)
Paralysis / Paralyžius (2020, feature fiction)

Andrius Lekavičius

Andrius Lekavicius is all-around media storyteller directing high-end commercial and non-commercial audiovisual production. His first feature documentary ‘Game of the Nation’ (Mes už… Lietuvą!) was successfully screened in cinemas across Lithuania.


Saras’ Wheels (2011, short documentary)

Game of the Nation / Mes uz… Lietuva! (2012, feature documentary)

After 42 / 42 (2015, short documentary)

Blurred Border (2018, documentary)

Delta Zoo (2019, documentary)

Andrius Šarapovas

Andrius Šarapovas was born in 1980. The scope of his creative interests is broad. His body of work is comprised of inter-disciplinary art projects, cine-dance, video art, music videos, and music for a selection of diverse projects. The artist’s works have been shown in various international and domestic festivals.


Sublingua / Pokalbiai (2015, short fiction)

Andrius Žemaitis

Andrius Zemaitis defended his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, studied graphic and industrial design. In 2010, he and his colleague founded the audio-visual visual duo “BrainMonk”. They recorded and released 24 experimental free improvisation albums. The experience with sound also led to a deeper understanding of visual experiences; in this way, sound improvisations evolved into audiovisual works, which in turn paved the way for complex, abstract film projects.


Alizava (2021, short experimental)

CONIC 1988 (2017, short animation)

Brothers’ Harmonica (2016, short experimental)

Antanas Skučas

Antanas Skučas is a film director, data artist, and a lecturer at the Vilnius Academy of Arts. He has been involved in animation since 2005 and was honored as the Lithuanian Animator of the Year by the Lithuanian Animation Association in 2023.

His animation shorts, “Childhood Diary” (2009) and “Purga” (2023), have received the Lithuanian Silver Crane Award. Currently, Antanas is working on a short film titled ‘Conductor,’ and as a scriptwriter, he is also developing a feature-length animated film. Additionally, he is active in the field of new media, including XR, VR, AR, and AI.



Unfinished Story /Nebaigta pasaka (2007, short animation)

Vaikystės dienoraštis (2009, short animation)

Illusion / Iliuzija (2016, short animation)

Digital Voodoo / Skaitmeninis Voodoo (2020, short animation)

Ti Ta To (2022, short animation)

Fear / Baimė (2022, short animation)

Planets and Robots / Planetos ir robotai (2023, short animation)

​Purga (2023, short animation)

SINE ANIMA (2024, short animation)

Conductor / Dirigentas (2025, short animation)

Anu-Laura Tuttelberg

Anu-Laura Tuttelberg received her MA in Animation at Estonian Academy of Arts in 2013. Her graduation film, a short puppet animation “Fly Mill” (Kärbeste veski, 2012), was screened in more than a hundred festivals around the world, winning numerous awards. Her first film after graduation, a short animation “On The Other Side Of The Woods” (Teisel pool metsa) premiered at Annecy International Animation Festival in 2014. It has won three first place prizes and the Best Debut prize at festivals so far.


Fly Mill / Kärbeste veski (2012, short animation)
On The Other Side Of The Woods / Teisel pool metsa (2014, short animation)
Winter in the Rainforest / Talv Vihmametsas / Žiema atogrąžų miške (2019, short animation)

Armas Rudaitis

Born in 1991 and live in Vilnius, has finnish name inherited from his grandmother who was born in Finland. This year he graduated Film directing at Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy, before he graduated “Skalvija” cinema school, course of documentary. He is creating short movies, music videos etc. Armas is working in LRT (Lithuanian nacional TV). Also participating in social youth activities, writing texts wich are publicized at different magazines. A.Rudaitis is young director, who doesn’t see a big difference between feature and documentary movies, but he estimates to documentary. Motto: “There are no coincidences. Only the illusion of coincidence”.


Your Voice / Tavo balsas (2011, short experimental)
Birthday / Gimtadienis (2011, short documentary)
Setisfekšion (2011, short)
Captain of Freedom / Laisvės kapitonas (2012, short documentary)
I am Goda / Aš esu Goda (2012, short fiction)
Žalia rūta (2013, short fiction)
Senelis, bulvės ir riešutai (2011, short documentary)
Eglė iš Paparčių (2011, trumpametražis)
The Accident / Avarija (2013, feature fiction)
The Egg / Kiaušinis (2014, short documentary)
Sutarmenko (2016, pilnametražis dokumentinis)

Arnas Balčiūnas

Arnas Balčiūnas (b. 2001) had just finished his bachelor’s studies in film directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. In 2020, he graduated from the “Skalvija” film academy. His directed film “Blausos” (2022) was awarded the Silver Crane’s Egg for the best student film and won the award for the best national film at the European film forum Scanorama. The film “Hablo dėsnis” (2024) was presented at the Vilnius Short Film Festival and is touring various international film festivals. Arnas is currently in the process of creating a new short film and working in the field of film education.



Through Gloom / Blausos (2022, short fiction)

Hubble’s Law / Hablo dėsnis (2024, short fiction)

Past The Hill Of Napoleon’s Hat / Pravažiavus Napoleono Kepurę (2025, short fiction)

Arnolda Noir


Exchange / Mainai (2015, short experimental)

Artūras Jevdokimovas

Born in 1966, Vilnius, Lithuania. Studied TV Direction at Vilnius Conservatory (Lithuania), graduated Film Direction at Tbilisi Theatre and Film Institute (Republic of Georgia), internship at Anthology Film Archieves (New York).


Walking in the Zone / Pasivaikščiojimas zonoje (1990, short documentary)
The Idylls of Kirtimai / Kirtimų idilės (1991, short documentary)
Up by the River / Aukštyn upe (1992, short documentary)
One Question / Vienas klausimas (1995, short documentary)
The Nets / Tinklai (1995, short documentary)
In the Memory of the Film gone by / Praėjusio filmo atminimui (1998, short documentary)
In Vogue. The Film / In Vogue. Filmas (1999, short documentary)
Complicated Matter / Komplikuotas reikalas (2004, short documentary)
Teritory of Freedom / Laisvės teritorija (2015, documentary)
Anthology of the Plot / Suokalbio antologija (2015, short documentary)
Second Hand (2019, feature documentary)

Audrius Antanavičius

In 2013, Audrius Antanavičius graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre with a Bachelor’s degree in TV and Film Directing. In 2015, he created his first short documentary film “The Amateurs“. Continuing work in documentary filmmaking, in 2024, he co-directed the short documentary “Oaks of Ožkabaliai“ which explores the story of the Lithuanian National Revival Oakwood.


Nocturne / Noktiurnas (2010, short fiction)

Andrew the coinman (2011, short documentary)

Station / Stotis (2011, short fiction)

Bridge / Tiltas (2011, short fiction)

The Moonlanding (2012, short fiction)

The Rite of Passage (2013, short experimental)

The Amateurs / Mėgėjai (2013, short documentary)

Oaks of Ožkabaliai / Ožkabalių ąžuolynas (2024, short documentary)

Augustė Baltrūnaitė

Auguste Baltrunaite is a young and aspiring lithuanian filmmaker. Having graduated from Arts University Bournemouth specialising in documentary and production design, Auguste temporarily has changed her career. Today she lives and works as a teacher in one of the smaller towns of Žemaitija, while is still slowly working on new projects.


Troleibusas (2022, short documentary)

Augustė Gerikaitė

Augustė Gerikaitė is a Vilnius based short fiction and documentary film director. She grew up in a small coastline town Kretinga, Lithuania. Her passion for the world of cinema started in primary school, when she started making small films with her classmates, and has not weakened yet. Life in a small town, where everyone is somebody’s relative or neighbour, gave a possibility to observe and unconsciously analyse human relations and interactions. Since then this has become a main topic and point of interest of this young generation director. Auguste is a writer-director, she prefers to write her own scripts, which she then directs, looking at life from the point of view of absurdity and dramedy. She is particularly interested in the relationships between people and how they change depending on the time people have spent together.



Legend of Petras / Legenda apie Petrą (2021, short documentary)

Together / Kartu (2022, short fiction)

Sauna That Wasn’t There / Pirtis, kurios nebuvo (2023, short documentary)

Closer / Artumo jausmas (2023, short fiction)

Glitter Kiss / Artimas kontaktas (2024, short fiction)

Aušrinė Kurgonaitė

Ausrine Kurgonaite is a 25-year-old filmmaker born in Vilnius, Lithuania. With a diverse career spanning photography, graphic design, art direction, and commercial production across Lithuania, Denmark, and Germany, Ausrine’s multifaceted background fuels her creativity. Immersed in the arts from a young age, she has continually explored various mediums, finding her deepest fulfilment in film. Currently, Ausrine is based between Munich and Vilnius, working in commercial film production and transitioning as a director into fictional cinema.



Tangled Wool / Susipynusi vilna (2024, short experimental)

Austė Urbanavičiūtė

Austė Urbanavičiūtė (born in 1998) is a film director, screenwriter and interdisciplinary artist creating experimental films and installations. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Film Directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. In 2022, she graduated from the experimental filmmaking course at MetFilm School Berlin, Germany. At the moment she is developing an experimental film course for young filmmakers, works as an assistant director and script supervisor on movie sets in Vilnius, and most of the time travels around the world. Her short film “Dear Dad” (2024) was awarded the Special Jury Mention at Vilnius Short FIlm Festival.


Holy Blood (2019, short experimental)

Pan Opticum (2020, audiovisual performance)

Open Doors / Praviros durys (2020, short fiction)

Dear Dad (2024, short experimental)

Austėja Urbaitė

Was born in 1991. Graduated from Vilnius Pilaitė‘s secondary school. Studied in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.


This is reality / Tai realybė (2013, short)
The Etude / Etiudas (2013, short fiction)
Bridges / Tiltai (2015, short fiction)

Balys Kumža

Balys Kumža Born 1980 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Working in Film and TV industries since 2007. Took up positions like: PA on set, TV advertisement production and postproduction supervisor, production office coordinator, manager at various film and TV production companies In 2015 acquired a bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Design at Vilnius design and technology college. At the moment is developing a new animation project and works as a freelance film and tv editor.


Drought / Sausra (2015, short animation)

Beatričė Bukantytė

Beatričė Bukantytė is a performer, photographer and director whose practice spans across fields of experimental performance, film and visual practices. Informed by philosophy & practice of butoh, techniques of voice & dance improvisation, it can be approached as a process and practice-based study into questions of autonomy, identity, creativity and transformation. Often working collaboratively, her practice also expands to organization and facilitation of events, workshops and teaching.


I Think About You Every Day / Galvoju apie tave kasdien (2022)
Caprice / Kaprizas (2022, short fiction)
Ten Winters Apart / Tarp dešimt žiemų (2021)
Pravilni Pesak (2021)
Wormwood Maria / Pelyno Marija (2021)

Beatričė Sofija Piesliakaitė

Beatričė Sofija Piesliakaitė was born in 2000 in Vilnius, Lithuania. She studied Theatre and Film theory and history at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA) from 2019 to 2021. She studied film directing bachelor degree at the LMTA from 2020-2024 (master Audrius Stonys). In 2023, Beatrice was selected to participate in the La Guarimba film Festival residency. There, she deepened her insights into filmmaking and broadened her views of the cinema field with 50 other participants from all around the world. Director films are often enriched by magical realism or slow poetical cinema elements. However, Beatrice is not afraid to experiment with each new work and to find unique cinematic language to fulfil particular story needs. Directors work explores ever changing movement of time and flux of life itself as well as more personal issues of everyday life such as sexual identity and its representation in society.



Blame / Ka(l)tiniai (2021, short fiction)

In The Net / Tinkle (2021, short fiction)

Dance / Šokis  (2022, short documentary)

Ascertaining / Pažinimas (2022, short fiction)

¡Quiero saber de la Vida! / Aš Noriu Sužinoti Apie Gyvenimą! (2024, short fiction)

Birutė Kapustinskaitė

Birutė Kapustinskaitė has been working as a screenwriter and a playwright for quite some time. She has received the main National Award as the best playwright of the year, for the play “Therapies”, which was staged in South Korea as well. She holds the best screenplay award for the feature film, “Sasha Was Here”, from the Aubagne Film Festival. Since 2019, the writer started directing. Her debut short, “Mothers” (2019), received a special mention during the Ismailia Film Festival 2022 in Egypt and is touring around festivals together with the film agency Lights On. “The Nominees” (2022) is the second short film directed by her.


Mothers / Motinos (2021, short fiction)

The Nominees / Nominantai (2023, short fiction)

Birutė Sodeikaitė

Birutė Sodeikaitė – puppet animation director, puppet and scenography artist, animator. She is an alumni of The Arts University Bournemouth (UK) with the animation practice at the greatest puppet animation studios in Europe: Aardman (UK), Nukufilm (Estonia), Se-Ma-For (Poland). “Last Stop Is The Moon” is her debut film as a director. Her newest work is short puppet animation film “Elena”.


When The Tree Grows / Kai auga medis (2013, animation)
Last Stop Is The Moon / Paskutinė stotelė – Mėnulis (2017, short puppet animation)
Elena (2021, short puppet animation)

Dagnė Gumbrevičiūtė

Dagnė Gumbrevičiūtė got her MA degree in Stage Design for Cinema and Media from Vilnius Academy of Arts in 2018. During her studies, she had worked in different film production departments, from set designer to film director and producer. She made several amateur short experimental and fiction films, “Still Water” is her professional director’s debut.


Still Water / Stovintis vanduo (2018, short fiction)

Dali Rust

Dali Rust (Dalia Cibauskaitė) graduated from the Faculty of Economics and the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University. She is a member of the Lithuanian Filmmakers Union, the founder and director of the non-profit organization Eik ART. The director has created these films since 2007.


Matrosovka / Matrosovka (2007, short documentary)
The Keeper of Time / Laiko saugotojas (2009, documentary)
Nadiezda / Nadiežda (2011, 32 min., documentary)
Boundary zone / Ribinė zona (2011, 25 min., documentary)
Zone / Zona (2012, 23 min., documentary)
Marina House / Marinos namai (2012, 54 min., documentary)
in memory of ornithologist Vytautas Pareigis… / ornitologui Vytautui Pareigiui atminti
ir… (2013, 13 min., documentary)
Balcon de EUROPA (2019, 60 min., documentary)
Woman standing on a bridge / Stovinčioji ant tilto (2020, 67 min., documentary)
276 steps towards EUROPE / 276 žingsniai link EUROPOS (together with Kostas
Radlinskas, 2021, interactive film project)
Expectations and Other products / Lūkesčiai ir kitos prekės (2023, short fiction)

Daniel Kreizberg

Daniel Kreizberg is an award-winning filmmaker and actor who graduated with Honors from NYU Tisch School of the Arts, with a BFA in Acting. His debut short film, “Tahlequah the Whale: A Dance of Grief,” which he wrote, directed, and narrated in 2023, was awarded the “Special Mention of the Festival” at the Oscar-qualifying Animayo International Film Festival. It also received an Honorable Mention at the Jackson Wild Media Awards (“The nature equivalent of the Oscars”), the Canuto Award at the DocsMX International Documentary Festival, a Student Jury Prize at the Lucca Film Festival, was shortlisted for two Young Director Awards, is currently nominated for 3 Next Gen Indie Film Awards, and continues to travel to festivals around the world. As an actor, Daniel made his New York stage debut at Carnegie Hall, performing the role of Lazarus Solomon in “Ellis Island: The Dream of America”. He tells stories that range from the naturalistic to the expressionistic, with a focus on uncovering the truth of what it means to be alive to help make a more compassionate world.


Tahlequah the Whale. A Dance of Grief / Banginė Thlequah: gedulo šokis (2023, short animation)

Danielius Minkevičius

Danielius Minkevičius was born on May 15th, 1993. In the year 2020, he graduated from the Vilnius Academy of Music and Theatre (Film Directing course) where he made his first live action and documentary short films. Danielius is now preparing for his debut feature film.


Dormitory / Bar(d)akas (2015, short documentary)
Mistery / Misterija (2016, short fiction)
Documentary Of Fiction / Dokumentika iš fikcijos (2018, short documentary)
Love Thief / Meilės vagis (2019, short fiction)
Crucifixion / Nukryžiavimas (2020, short fiction)
Dance / Šokis (2020, short fiction)

Darius Jarašūnas

Darius Jarašūnas was born in 1970, in Šiauliai. He studied at the Šiauliai Secondary School No.10. In 1988 moved to Vilnius. In 2003 Darius graduated from Vilnius College of Technology and Design, where he studied photography. For a long time he worked at the Lithuanian Film Studios as production manager, transportation coordinator, location manager with a wide range of international filmmakers.

In 2009 Darius Jarašūnas had a debut with the short film „Gėlė” (‘Flower’).


Flower / Gėlė (2009, short)

I, Veteran / Aš, veteranė (2011, short fiction)


Darius Šilėnas

Darius Šilėnas was born in 1988 Vilnius. In 2007 started physics studies in Vilnius university. In 2009 he chose to study BA Film directing at the Lithuanian music and theater academy, from witch he graduated in 2013. Since then he continued his studies in MA film directing. Darius also works as a free-lance director, editor.


The roadside story / Pakelės istorija (2011, short fiction)
Survivor (2011, short fiction)
Welcome to Miami / Sveiki atvykę į Majamį (2012, short fiction)
Street Kids / Gatvės vaikai (2013, short fiction)

David Doutel & Vasco Sá

David Doutel was born in Porto, Portugal, in 1983. He graduated in Sound and Image at the UCP
School of Arts, with extensive training in Animation. For the last 10 years he has developed his work in in the field of independent animation short films, both as director, animator and production director. Both in artistic and production departments he has contributed to the creation of several award-winning short-films that have been regularly selected to international film festivals.

Vasco Sá was born in Porto in 1979. With rooted ancestry in the northern mountainous region of
Portugal, he spent his first eighteen years of life at Trás-os-Montes (Behind-the-Mountains), before he moved to Porto, where he got his Master’s degree in Sound and Image from the School
of Arts (UCP). It is in this context that he meets David Doutel, with whom he has shared several
projects awarded nationally and internationally.



O Sapateiro (2011, short animation)
Fuligem (2014, short animation)
Agouro (2018, short animation)

David Heinemann

David Heinemann graduated from Columbia University’s MFA in Filmmaking. Now based in London, he specializes in sound design and directing. David and Elvina Nevardauskaitė work as a creative duo, co-directing fiction films and documentaries. In 2015 they founded “Broken Island Films”, a production company with branches in London and Vilnius. Their first film together, the documentary “Remember, Thou Art Clay”, premiered at the London Short Film Festival, was also screened at the Vilnius International Film Festival and DocAviv. Same year they pitched documentary film “Voices Apart” at Karlovy Vary Film festival.


Remember, Thou Art Clay / Atmink, iš molio esi (2017, short documentary )
Eglė (2018, short fiction )
Unburied / Nepalaidotas (2018, short fiction)
Voices Apart / Atskirti balsai (2020, short documentary)

Deimantas Narkevičius

Deimantas Narkevičius was born in 1964 in Utena, Lithuania and lives and works in Vilnius. He graduated from the Art Academy in Vilnius as a sculptor and spent a year in London in 1992/93. On his return to Lithuania he was concerned with site-specific objects but a strong interest in narrative led him to record interviews and conversations with artists. This process evolved into an exploration of different narrative structures through film and video, the work for which Narkevičius is now best known.

Narkevičius is one of the most consistent and widely recognised Lithuanian artists on the international art scene. He represented his country at the 49th Venice Biennale in 2001 and exhibits at the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003 in ‘Utopia Station’ curated by Molly Nesbit and Hans Ulrich Obrist.
Since 1992 he has exhibited extensively around the world in group shows at many significant contemporary art venues and events. He showed at Manifesta II in Luxembourg in 1998 and has exhibited in London, Paris, Brussels, Vilnius, Manchester, Dublin, Vienna, Helsinki, Stockholm, Zurich, Rotterdam, Melbourne and many other cities. Solo shows include ‘Either true or fictitious’, at FRAC Pays de la Loire in France in 2003 and ‘Deimantas Narkevicius Project’ at the Munchner Kunstverein, Munich in 2002.


Europa 54 54 – 25 19 (1997, short)
Istorija (1998)
Mišios kalvio Ignoto teisybei (1998)
Legendos išsipildymas (1999)
Lietuvos Energija (2000)
Kaimietis (2002)
Scena (2003)
The Role of a Lifetime (2003)
Kartą XX amžiuje (2004)
Genties išnykimas (2005)
Matrioškos (2005)
Aplankant Soliarį (2007)
Galva (2007)
Nesprogusios bombos poveikis (2008)
Į nežinomybę (2009)
Ausgeträumt (2010)
Draudžiami jausmai (2011)
Books on shelves and Without Letters (2013)
20 July 2015 (2016, short documentary)

Domas Petronis

Domas Petronis – director and producer Domas Petronis graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre with a BA in Film Directing. Currently, he is working as a film director and editor. His short films “Sobaka” and “The Roots Are Bitter” were nominated for the Best Student Film in 2016 and 2017 at the National Silver Crane Film Awards. In 2017 Domas was also nominated for Best Editing with the feature film “You Can’t Escape Lithuania” (dir. Romas Zabarauskas). Domas’ short films have been screened at various film festivals worldwide, such as Lübeck Nordic Film Days, Sleepwalkers, FILMETS Badalona, Go Short, Vilnius International Film Festival, Vilnius International Short Film Festival, Scanorama, Short Riga, Amandus – Lillehammer International Student Film Festival, ZubrOFFka, and others.

Gagarin (2013, short documentary)
The Ferryman (2014, short documentary)
Doggone / Sobaka (2015, Short fiction)
Polar Party / Poliarinis vakarėlis (2015, short fiction)
Pants on Fire (2015, short fiction)
The Roots Are Bitter / Šaknys karčios (2016, short fiction)
Ieva (2020, short fiction)

Dominyka Adomaitytė

Dominyka Adomaityte is a sound designer, Foley artist and film director from Lithuania. After French literature, theater directing, jazz vocal and music composition studies in 2018 Dominyka got into FAMU film school in Prague, Czech Republic, where she studied sound design. At the same time she started working as Foley artist at Soundsquare studio and ever since she’s working both, as Foley artist and sound designer on animation, documentaries and live action films.
Recently she moved back to Vilnius to establish the first ever sound studio in Lithuania dedicated to Foley creation and recording.


The Ritual / Ritualas (2018, short animation)
Grandma‘s Pancakes / Močiutės blynai (2019, short animation)

Dominykas Morkūnas

Dominykas Morkūnas (b. 1994 in Vilnius, Lithuania) finished “Skalvija” film academy. In his free time creates music.


Grandfather. Theatre and Basketball / Senelis. Teatras ir krepšinis (2009, trumpametražis)
Affective Beauty / Efektyvus grožis (2009, trumpametražis)
An expensive commodity / Perku. Brangiai (2010, trumpametražis)
I’m here, John / Džonai, aš čia (2011, trumpametražis)
Out of Luck / Nesekasi (2012, trumpametražis)

Dominykas Valiukas

Dominykas Valiukas was born in 1991 in Panevėžys. In his hometown he finished Juozas Miltinis gymnasium. While being at school he was interested in theatre and cinema. After school years he wanted to become an actor but he wasn‘t accepted to studying it. Then he realised that acting isn‘t for him. In 2012 he tried getting into Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre for one more time. This time he was accepted into Cinema directors course. Then his life with cinema started. Now Dominykas can‘t imagine doing nothing else but cinema.


Gvidas (2014)
Especialy difficult / Ypatingai sudėtinga (2015, short)
Actual incident / Tikras įvykis (2016, short fiction)

Dovilė Petkūnaitė

Choreographer Dovilė Petkūnaitė , currently residing in Tenerife, graduated from Kaunas Art Gymnasium and later entered at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater where graduated a Bachelor’s degree in dance.In 2009 choreographer graduated masters of Contemporary Dance in Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy. Same year D.Petkunaite received the status of an artist and membership in the Lithuanian Dance Association.
Dovilė Petkūnaitė has a unique approach to choreography and seeks to look for an organic presence on stage, not in the creation of characters. The creator’s previous works focuses on apathy (Live dance installation “Greenhouse), on consumerism and ecology, (dance film “Artificial” ),on loneliness (performance “Movie Never Made”), on the theme of being in two,(dance performance”Purple dragons”) on the theme of losing one’s .Dovile examined psychological ilnesess, self-injuries, and bodybuilding topics. Recently, the choreographer has been interested in the culture of ecology and consumerism, how it affects the individual in the social environment. The themes of the absence of individual identity and loneliness dominate in Dovilė’s art.


Artificial / Dirbtinis (2020, šokis)

Dovilė Šarutytė

Dovile Sarutyte was born in 1986 in Vilnius. In 2009 graduated Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, TV and film directing.

Her short film „As tave zinau“ (eng. „I Know You“) received National film award „Silver Crane“ 2010 for the best Lithuanian short film of the year.


Dirty Clothes (2006, short fiction)
Golden Hat (2007, short fiction)
VLD-N11 (2008, short fiction)
Nasty Dream (2008, short fiction)
I Know You (2009, short fiction)
Not Lucky Today (2010, short fiction)
8 minutes (2016, short fiction)

Dovydas Drakšas

Dovydas Drakšas is a Lithuanian writer and director who currently resides and works in Berlin. He has a degree in natural sciences from the University of Cambridge and a master’s in filmmaking from the London Film School. He is attracted to stories that explore how elements like memories and upbringing, location and society play an important role in shaping personal identity. “Praeis” is his second short film and a graduation project from the London Film School.



“Elena” (2022, short fiction)

“Praeis” (2024, short fiction)

Džiugas Šėma

Graduated „Skalvija“ Film Academy, studied Film Production and Cinematography in United Kingdom. Took part as jury member in British short film festival „Electric December ’09“. Was nominated for the best student film of the year (His Silicon Soul) in Lithuanian National Awards of Film and Television “Sidabrine Gerve 2012”.


His Silicon Soul / Jo silikoninė siela (2011, short fiction)

Edita Rudak

Her learning journey began at the University of Edinburgh with short courses on writing for film, later she earned a BA in Screenwriting from Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, now pursuing an MA in Intermedial literature studies. Her debut play “Red currents” was awarded at Alytus Theatre National Drama contest, she also wrote an interactive children’s play which was granted funding and recently presented for the public. Currently she is working on audio series as well as writing a debut feature script for a director.



Blueberry bruise / Mėlynė (2024, short fiction)

Eglė Bertašiūtė

Eglė Bertašiūtė (b. 1988) is an animator from Vilnius, she studied media art in Vilnius Art Academy. She works in format of a screen and use animation techniques in order to deal with relations between hand made and digital technologies, between constructs of narrative and cinematic effects of movement. Likewise, processes of glitch are important in her works as an extension of linguistic and visual storytelling by means of a code.


Untitled / Be pavadinimo (2011, animation)
35 mm of wind / 35 mm vėjo (2011, animation)
Land of lack and disregard / Trūkumo ir nepaisymo žemė (2012, animation)
Sizyphus / Sizifas (2012, animation)

Eglė Burbaitė

Eglė Burbaitė is a TV and cinema producer born in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1987. She is actively working in the field of cinema communication. She is one of the co-founders of a cinema news website, author of many publications and photo series about Lithuanian cinema, a journalist and a producer of cultural TV shows. Involvement in cinema productions led her to pursue a producer’s career focusing mainly on documentary films. Her short film “Fellow Travellers” (Lithuania, 2015, director Linas Mikuta) received the award for the best student film in the International Vilnius Film Festival “Kino Pavasaris’15”. “Cats of Amber Bay” is her directorial debut.



he Last Supper For Two / Paskutinė vakarienė dviems (2015, short fiction)

Fellow Travelers / Pakeleiviai (2015, short documentary)

The Loops of Emptiness / Tuštumos kilpos (2015, short fiction)

Cats of Amber Bay / Marių katės (2015, short documentary)


Cats of Amber Bay / Marių katės (2015, short documentary)

Eglė Davidavičė

Lithuanian born director and animator Eglė Davidavičė began making short films at Skalvija Film Academy and continued her animation studies at Vilnius Academy of Arts, from which she graduated in 2019. Her debut animated film, “My Birth”, was nominated for the “Best Student Film” award by the Lithuanian Film Academy in 2018.


My Birth / Gimimas (2017, short animation)

Combing / Šukavimas (2019, short animation)

The One Who Knows / Ta, kuri žino (2023, short animation)



Mono No Aware / Mono No Aware (2017, short animation)

My Birth / Gimimas (2017, short animation/experimental)

Combing / Šukavimas (2019, short animation)

Eglė Razumaitė

Eglė Razumaitė is a writer and director born in Vilnius in 1993. She graduated from Vilnius University with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and holds a master’s degree in film directing from the Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy, faculty of Theatre and Film. In 2017, she participated in the alternative art education program at Rupert Art Center and was actively involved in the Lithuanian contemporary art scene until fully turned into filmmaking. Eglė has been working for the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Department of Sacral Art Heritage, since 2017. Together with a collective, she founded an analog moving image lab Spongė. Her short film “The Fall” won the Lithuanian Association of Cinematographers’ Best Young Cinematographer’s Work prize in 2022 and was nominated for the Lithuanian National Film Award in 2023. Her short film “Ootid” was nominated for the Palme d’Or at Festival de Cannes in 2024.



Water Castle / Vandens Pilis (2017 short experimental)

Down to Earth / Žemyn Žemėn (2018, short experimental / scriptwriter)

Notes from the Underground / Užrašai iš Pogrindžio (2020, short experimental)

The Fall / Krytis (2023, short fiction)

Above the Ground / Aukščiau Žemės (2023, short documentary)

Ootid / Ootidė (2024, short fiction)

Shifting / Deteritorizacija (2024, short fiction)

Signal Path / Signalo kelias (2025, short fiction)

Eglė Rupaitė

Eglė Rupaitė is born in 1994 in Vilnius. 2014-2016 studied art management at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, from 2014 works as producer and director with short films, commercials, music clips. From 2020 works at Bored Panda Studios as director-writer creating videos for Youtube.


Alter (2018, short fiction-experimental)

The Dog / Šuo (2019, short fiction)

Martynas Švedas. Leather and reconstruction / Martynas Švedas. Oda ir rekonstrukcija (2020, short documentary)

The Bridge / Tiltas (2021, short fiction)

Guilt / Kaltė (2021, short fiction)

Eitvydas Doškus

Scriptwriter, director and cinematographer Eitvydas Doškus graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre with a BA and Cinematography. He is a member of the Lithuanian Filmmakers Union and the Lithuanian Association of Cinematographers. His filmography in the position of cinematographer consists of more than 30 titles. Once Upon A Vilnius is his debut as a film director.


Once Upon A Vilnius / Čia buvo Vilnius (2022, short documentary)


Elena Kairytė

Elena Kairyte is a writer and director based in Lithuania. She graduated her master in Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy and Moscow’s High Courses of Screenwriters and Directors in Directing. In her work she focuses especially on documentary forms and their possibilities within transdisciplinarity.


Tetos Gaivos repeticijos (2012, short fiction)
My Beloved Grandfather And Grandmother / Mano mieli senelis ir senelė (2013, short documentary)
Veni Vidi Vici (2013, short-cut feature film)
Eldorado (2013, short documentary)
Lietuvos nacionalinio dramos teatro portretai (2017)
Pokalbis (2018 , short fiction)
Two Of Us / Mudu abudu (2019, short documentary)
Gandrai (2018 short documentary)
Atranka (2018 short film)
Audition / Vokalinė perkusija (2019, short fiction)
Follow me / Paskui mane (2020, short fiction)

Elena Rožukaitė

Elena Rožukaitė started her Film Directing studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2012, after graduating from Vilnius University with a BA in Philosophy. Simultaneously, she’s been working in the production of films and commercials, as well as producing young filmmakers’ projects.


The Old Man / Senis (2021, short fiction)
Tell Me That You Love Me / Pasakyk, kad myli (2023, short fiction)

Elena Rožukaitė

Elena Rožukaitė started her Film Directing studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2012, after graduating from Vilnius University with a BA in Philosophy. Simultaneously, she’s been working in production of film and commercials, as well as producing young filmmakers.

Elvina Nevardauskaitė

Lithuanian born Elvina Nevardauskaitė is a graduate of the Film programme at Middlesex University in London, she specializes in cinematography and directing. Elvina and David Heinemann work as a creative duo, co-directing fiction films and documentaries. In 2015 they founded “Broken Island Films”, a production company with branches in London and Vilnius. Their first film together, the documentary “Remember, Thou Art Clay”, premiered at the London Short Film Festival, was also screened at the Vilnius International Film Festival and DocAviv. Same year they pitched documentary film “Voices Apart” at Karlovy Vary Film festival.


Remember, Thou Art Clay / Atmink, iš molio esi (2017, short documentary)
Unburied / Nepalaidotas (2018, short fiction)
Voices Apart / Atskirti balsai (2020, short documentary)

Elvina Nevardauskaitė and David Heinemann

Elvina hails from Lithuania, and David from Canada. The two met in London and founded Broken Island Films. Together they have made three short films, a drama and two documentaries. While co-directing, Elvina takes charge of the image, and David the sound. They share a fascination with the ambiguities of human perception, particularly in relation to experiences of the inner life. Their latest film, Voices Apart, was honoured with a Research in Film Award 2020 by the UK-based Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Elvina Nevardauskaite – filmography

Remember, Thou Art Clay / Atmink, iš molio esi (2017, short documentary)
Unburied / Nepalaidotas (2018, short fiction)
Voices Apart / Atskirti balsai (2020, short documentary)
Rising (2023, short documentary)
David Heinemann – filmography
Remember, Thou Art Clay / Atmink, iš molio esi (2017, short documentary )
Eglė (2018, short fiction )
Unburied / Nepalaidotas (2018, short fiction)
Voices Apart / Atskirti balsai (2020, short documentary)
Rising (2023, short documentary)

Elžbieta Josadė

Elžbieta Josadė lives and works in Paris. She was born in Lithuania in 1990. At first she studied painting, sculpture and contemporary art in Vilnius academy of arts and has made several site-specific art installations.  In 2012 she left for France where she graduated with a Master degree in cinema from the Universite Paris 8 in France. Dialogue with Joseph is her first mid-length documentary.


Dialogue with Joseph / Dialogas su Josefu (2016, short documentary)

Emilija Juzeliūnaitė

Emilija Juzeliūnaitė is an animator, illustrator from Vilnius, Lithuania. Studies animation in Vilnius academy of Arts. She has created several short fiction films and commercial animation/video projects. Besides, Emilija participates in artistic collaborations creating content and illustrations.



Conversations / Pokalbiai (2016, short animation)

Mono no aware (2017, short animation)

Family Album / Šeimos albumas (2025, short animation)

Emilija Martinkevič

Emilija Martinkėvič is a 25-year-old architect, emerging filmmaker, and researcher deeply engaged in exploring the intricate relationship between humans and their urban surroundings. After years of capturing the pulse of city life through photography, she turned to filmmaking, blending her architectural vision with a poetic approach to storytelling. Her debut short film is a testament to her dedication to uncovering the unseen layers of urban existence and her unwavering belief in the power of cinema to illuminate issues that shape our society.



The Man and the River / Žmogus – Upė (2024, short documentary)

Emilija Rivière

Emilija Rivière is a Lithuanian film director. She gained professional education at School of Creative and Performing Arts SOCAPA by New York University, where she graduated from intensive screenwriting courses in 2013, and intensive directing courses in 2014. She also graduated from directing courses at New York Film Academy in 2016.


The Other Way (2012, music video)
In Watermelon Sugar (2013, music video)
Le Collectionneur (2014, short film)
Mobius Bond / Mobijaus juosta (2017, short fiction)

Erika Vizbaraitė

Erika Vizbaraitė is a choreographer who started her path as a dancer from classical ballet – after graduating the Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis Art Gymnasium, she danced in the National Opera and Ballet Theater where she took interest in contemporary dance and found passion in choreography. She has staged contemporary dance performances, video dance movies, choreography for musicals, operas, various cultural and art projects.


Apnea / Apnea (2020, experimental dance film)

MA 108 / MA 108 (2020, short dance film)

Ernestas Jankauskas

Ernestas Jankauskas is a young director for movies and commercials. Started his career as assistant director, he soon got the position of 1st Assistant Director in major american, british and french productions, which were shot in Lithuania. After that, Ernestas has directed more than 30 commercials, some of them were honored by appearing in one of the most prestigious international magazine “Shots”. “The Queen of England Stole My Parents” is the second short-length movie of Ernestas.


No focus / Ne fokuse (2006, short)
The Queen of England Stole My Parents / Anglijos karalienė pagrobė mano tėvus (2014, short fiction)
Sasha Was Here / Čia buvo Saša (2018, feature fiction)

Evelina Dapkutė

Evelina Dapkutė (b.1993) is a young visual artist, who creates and participates both in contemporary art and film projects. In 2017, Evelina got her Bachelor’s degree in Sculpture and 2019 – Master’s degree in Film Scenography, both in Vilnius Academy of Arts. BONSAI KITTEN is Evelina’s first work, for which she was responsible not only for production design, but also for its directing, producing and all post-production works.


Bonsai Kitten (2020, short experimental)

Gabija Beatričė Rimkutė

Gabija Beatričė Rimkutė is currently studying video directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. She received her musical education at the National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts. The short film “Chin up” was created for the second year assignment “Etude for two actors” and was based on her experience at the music school. 



Chin Up / Kulminacijos nebus (2024, short fiction)

Gabrielė Labanauskaitė

Gabrielė Labanauskaitė (b. 1980 in Lithuania). She is a poet, prosaist and playwright. Since 2009 she is studying PhD in theatrology and teaches history and theory of dramaturgy in Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy. Gabrielė attended internships in Universities of Italy, Finland and Greek, and film and theatre dramaturgy courses organized by USA and England.


The Loops of Emptiness / Tuštumos kilpos (2015, short fiction)

Gabrielė Urbonaitė

Gabrielė Urbonaitė is a writer and director based in between Lithuania and the US. Her short film “The Swimmer” won the National Lithuanian Film Award for best short film in 2013. Gabrielė was selected for Berlinale Talents, Odense Talent Camp, and Reykjavik Talent Lab. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Filmmaking at Columbia University in New York City.


Buttons and Pigeons / Sagos ir balandžiai (2009, short documentary)
16 mm / 16 mm (2010, short)
S.E.K.A.M. (2010, short)
The Watcher / Stebėtojas (2011, short)
The Swimmer / Plaukikė (2013, short fiction)
Goodbye / Atsisveikinimas (2014, short fiction)
Back / Namo (2016, short fiction)
Last Day Of School / Paskutinis skambutis (2018, short fiction)

Gailė Garnelytė

Gailė Garnelytė was born in Vilnius, Lithuania. During 2006-2010 she studied literature at Vilnius University, and in 2009-2013 she studied screenwriting at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater where she got a bachelor’s degree. Since 2009, she has been actively working in the field of screenwriting, writing for different shorts (“Experman”, dir. R. Marcinkus, “Jackie”, dir. G. Tamoševičius, “Dear Theresa”, dir. I. Šakalytė). She was also writer and co-writer of various TV programs and worked as a screenwriter and script supervisor for Lithuanian documentary films (“The Nest”, dir. R. Matačius, “Fierce Gods”, dir. V. Oškinis, “Final Destination”, dir. R. Marcinkus). Gailė Garnelytė is currently directing her first short documentary film “The Robot and The Butterfly”.


The Robot and the Butterfly / Robotas ir peteliškė (2021, short documentary)

Gantas Bendikas

Gantas Bendikas (born in 2000) graduated Vilnius Užupis gymnasium in 2019 and now he is  studying film directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. With each new film, he aspires to reach the best possible results, at the same time not necessarily make decisions by the ‘book’, rather try to explore alternative and unknown ways to express my thoughts. ‘I Sold My Classmate’ is the first film to be travelling around film festivals.


I sold my classmate / Pardaviau klasiokę (2021, vaidybinis trumpametražis)

Gediminas Šiaulys

Ged Sia (Gediminas Šiaulys) is an animation director, visual artist and founder of a studio PetPunk. The artist’s primary areas of interest lie in animation, tactile crafts and various experiments within these fields. This leads to authentic work that is visually and aesthetically challenging, yet peculiarly subtle. His works gained recognition by world’s leading art & design magazines. In 2009 PetPunk won the “Young Guns” award by the Art Directors Club (New York) and Canadian Boards magazine included duo in top 6 of “New Wave of Designers”, while in 2010 UK’s leading design magazine Computer Arts featured PetPunk as “The New Wave of Animation”. In 2017 Ged Sia wrote and directed short film “Running Lights” which won him several international awards and was selected to over 120 film festivals around the world. Ged is a guest lecturer at Vilnius Academy of Arts, he speaks and sets workshops at various conferences.


Giant / Milžinas (2007, short animation)
The Magnificent Town of Vilnius / Didingas miestas Vilnius (2008, short)
Woos (2008, trumpametražis animacinis)
Legends / Legendos (2009, short animation)
Concerned Kittens / Susirūpinę kačiukai (2012, animated mini-series)
Climate Change – Negotiations / Klimato kaita – Derybos (2012, short animation)
Running Lights / Kaukai (2017, short animation)
Shine / Šviesa (2018, short animation)

Gediminas Venckus


The Shoes / Batai (2014, short fiction)

Gerda Krutaja

Gerda Krutaja was born in 1988 in a small village called Mindaugiai. In 2012, Gerda graduated from Middlesex university in London with a bachelor’s degree in Film, Video and Interactive Arts. She worked for Sarunas Bartas film studio Kinema for 3 years, and carried out her own experimental video and photography projects alongside. All Is Nature is Gerda’s directorial debut. Its concept was sparked back in 2014 after long coversations with friends about whether nature is bounded.


All Is Nature / Viskas yra gamta (2016, short fiction)

Gertrūda Nemčauskaitė

Gertrūda Nemčauskaitė is a young and successful 2D and stop-motion animator who graduated from the Vilnius Academy of Arts in 2020 and is now working as animator on several projects, based both in Lithuania and abroad. “Pingvinas ir Balandis” is her first debut film.


Pingvinas ir Balandis (2024, short animation)

Gianluca Sodaro

Gianluca was born in Sicily on Christmas Eve. He is a graduate of Milan’s Academy of Fine Arts and Design (NABA). Gianluca’s first feature film is Cuore scatenato (Raging Heart), which he co-wrote and directed. His most important short film to date is The Paladins of The Holy Providence. It has been shown and won awards at a large number of festivals including Uppsala, Palm Springs, Annecy, Huesca, Metz, Brisbane, Stockholm, Siena and Turin. Gianluca adores the sound of cicadas.


The Paladins of the Holy Providence / Dievo apvaizdos paladinai (1997, short fiction)
The Voice of My Beloved! / Mano mylimojo balsas! (1997, short fiction)
Don Mariano Has Fallen from the Sky / Don Marianas nukrito iš dangaus (1998, short fiction)
Raging Heart / Laukinė širdis (2003, fiction)
God’s Got His Head in the Clouds / Ką Dievas sau galvoja? (2012, short fiction)
Làssami: Leave Me (2015, short fiction)
Nowhen (2018, short fiction)

Giedrė Beinoriūtė

Giedrė Beinoriūtė was born on August 23, 1976. Graduated from The Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, Film and TV department with MA in audiovisual arts in 2001. Since 1999 directed and wrote seven fiction and documentary short films and worked as an assistant director with the established Lithuanian filmmakers Šarūnas Bartas ir Arūnas Matelis.

Since 2004, member of Lithuanian Filmmakers Union. Since 2007, teaching script writing and TV directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. In 2002 Giedrė Beinoriūtė was awarded with a prize from Lithuanian Ministry of Culture for the best professional debut in the arts. In 2005 she was awarded by the proze of Lithuanian Filmmakers Union for the documentary film “Vulkanovka”. Since 2007 she also teches in Skalvija Film Academy, works as a tutor in cinema workshops.


My Lonely Friends / Mano vienišos draugės (1997, short fiction)
Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister / Mama, tėtė, brolis, sesė (1999, short fiction)
City of TrolleyBusses / Troleibusų miestas (2002, short documentary)
Existence / Egzistencija (2003, short fiction)
Vulkanovka. After the Grand Cinema / Vulkanovka. Po Didžiojo kino (2005, short documentary)
Grandpa and Grandma / Gyveno senelis ir bobutė (2007, short documentary-animation)
The Balcony / Balkonas (2008, short fiction)
Conversations on Serious Topics / 7 pokalbiai rimtomis temomis (2012, documentary)
An expert / Specialistė (2012, short documentary)
Breathing Into Marble / Kvėpavimas į marmurą (2018, feature fiction)

Giedrė Narušytė Boots

Scenographer, theatre maker, audio-visual artist, animation director and animator. In 1995 she graduated in Scenography at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania and moved to Belgium, where she continued her studies at KASK Ghent (Royal Academy of Fine Arts). She made installation art and exhibited her works in: “Wisselstukken ’39;94” Multimedia Projects in Amsterdam “Asile pour inadaptés” in Charleville-Mézières, France; “KITSCH &” Gentse Feesten in Ghent; project “Op weg” with four exhibitions in different towns in Belgium. In 2013 she started studying animation film at the School of Arts in Ghent. Animation is a great challenge to convert her experience in visual and interdisciplinary arts into film language.


Hidden / Uždengtas (2014, short animation)
Synopsis of Love / Meilės santrauka (2014, short animation)
Famous x Anonymous / Įžymus x anonimiškas (2015, short animation)
Sinterklaas kapoentje / Santa Klauso vaikis (2015, short animation)
Sausage / Dešrelė (2015, short animation)
Campo Santo / Campo Santo (2015, short animation)
Jelen dolgo spi / Elnias miega ilgai (2015, audiovisual composition)
Cold Springs / Šalti šaltiniai (2015short animation)
Blauwbaard / Mėlynbarzdis (2016, short animation)
The Little Boat / Laivelis (2017, short animation)
A Dog Named Sheep (2020, short animation)
Katu Katu (2021, short animation)

Giedrė Žickytė

Giedrė Žickytė is a Lithuanian director and producer, a member of European Film Academy, European Documentary Network, Lithuanian Film Academy, alumni of Berlinale Talent Campus and EURODOC, working in the international documentary film market since 2009. Her films have been screened and awarded at many international film festivals including IDFA. Her feature documentary Master and Tatyana won Best Director, Best Documentary, Best Camera and Best Editing awards at Lithuanian National Film Awards Silver Crane in 2015.


Bar / Baras (2009, documentary)
Paskui saulę ir ožkas (2011, short documentary)
How We Played the Revolution / Kaip mes žaidėme revoliuciją (2011, full-length documentary)
Master and Tatyana / Meistras ir Tatjana (2014, documentary)
I‘m Not From Here / Čia aš tik svečias (2016, short documentary)
One Life / Vienas gyvenimas (2019, short documentary)

Giedrius Tamoševičius

Born in 1980. After high school graduation, entered the University of Vilnius and got a bachelor’s degree in informatics in 2004. Still from his youth he felt a strong attraction to direct films. Since 2010 he started to study film directing in Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy. While studying he took part in various international workshops and festivals (in Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania). Got a second bachelor’s degree in film directing in 2014.


Mommy, buy me a Horse / Mamyte, nupirk man žirgelį (2010, short fiction)
The Attempt / Pasikėsinimas (2011, short fiction)
On the way back / Sugrįžtant (2012, short fiction)
You never know / Niekada nežinai (2013, short fiction)
The Accident / Avarija (2013, feature fiction)
Jackie / Džekis (2014, short fiction)

Gintarė Parulytė

Gintarė Parulytė is a Lithuanian-born actress, author, theatre director, and filmmaker from Luxembourg. After having worked as an actress in both national and international theatre and film productions, she wrote and directed the short films “Is That, Like, Your Real Job?” about an actress humiliations and her final rising, as well as “And He Said Yes!” about how wedding planner’s appointment gone wrong (both produced by Red Lion). The script of the latter film was selected among the six best short comedy scripts from around the world by the “Torino Short Film Market”,  and the film won the Panorama “Divergent Minds” award at the Tirana International Film Festival. She also co-wrote the script of the short film “You Kai” (produced by Paul Thiltges) about an unaccompanied refugee girl’s story of escape. Co-directed the short documentary “Aftermath, Afterpath” (produced by Filmreakter, Wady Films, and Les Films Fauves) about women’s stories of body-shaming, and launched the Web Series “Ladybits” (produced by Deal Productions) about two best friends and actresses. Her latest short film, “Date Night,” is her third collaboration with Red Lion, with whom she is currently developing her first feature film, and she is equally in the development of “First Day,” an Anthology Series, with every episode set in a different European country, produced by Deal Productions.

Always in search of the truth, the personal, and the intimate, she yearns to talk about all things uncomfortable, awkward, and absurd, with the hopeful wish to make people feel less alone and more united as a means to heal, grow, and thrive.



Is That, Like, Your Real Job? (short, 2019)

You Kai [co-writer] (short, 2021)

Aftermath, Aftermath [co-director] (short, 2021)

Ladybits (webseries, 2021)

And He Said Yes (short, 2022)

Date Night (short, 2023)

SUJIP ( 2024, short fiction)

Gintarė Valevičiūtė-Brazauskienė

Gintarė Valevičiūtė-Brazauskienė is a creator of interdisciplinary art. She is actively involved in creating, organising, and curating various art projects and exhibitions and teaching creativity master classes. Having completed her postgraduate studies in Art at the Vilnius Academy of the Arts (VAA), she currently teaches in the Academy’s Department of Photography, Animation, and Media Arts. She is an active participant in its promotion of the potential uses of animation in expanded fields, and exhibits her work at art shows and film festivals.

Gintarė’s films and video projects have won awards at international film and media arts festivals. Her film “Maskaradas” (Masquerade) was named the best Lithuanian film at the animation festival, Next Festival. Her documentary film, “Dievas Sukūrė Viską Išskyrus Kilimą” (God Created Everything but the Carpet) was awarded the “Silver Crane” by the Lithuanian Motion Picture Academy for best short documentary films. Furthermore, her curated Art Fair at ArtVilnius’19, “Titanikas”, in the VAA Exhibition Halls, was named one of “ArtVilnius’19 best seven galleries”, “Most Visited Gallery”, and she was awarded the distinction of “Best ArtVilnius’19 Young Artist”.


Washing up / Nusivalymas (2004, short experimental)

Masquerade / Maskaradas (2006, short audiovisual piece)

God Created Everything But A Carpet / Dievas sukūrė viską išskyrus kilimą (2012, short documentary)

Purga / Purga (2023, short animation)

Gintė Regina

Gintė Regina is a Lithuanian filmmaker whose work spans artist film and narrative fiction. Her short films have been showcased at prominent UK venues, including the British Film Institute and Whitechapel Gallery in London. She held solo shows in 2018 at GAO (London) and in 2020 at CCA Derry~Londonderry (Northern Ireland).

Her first presentation in Lithuania came in 2021 at Galerija 101 in Kaunas and during the Videograms festival in Vilnius. In 2024, she exhibited three short films, including her 2022 work “Boy”, at the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius. This film was supported by Arts Council England and the Lithuanian Council for Culture. Her latest project “On Conductor Street” was funded by the Lithuanian Film Centre. Gintė is currently developing her debut feature film script.



Park Europa / Park Europa (2016, short experimental/fiction)

Runaway / Pabėgimas (2017, short experimental/fiction)

Monika in September / Monika rugsėjį (2018, short experimental/fiction)

By Your Side / Šalia Tavęs (2020, short fiction)

Red Berries / Raudonos Uogos (2022, short experimental/fiction)

BOY / BOY (2023, short fiction)

On Conductor Street / Konduktorių gatvėje (2025, short fiction)

Greta Griniūtė

Greta Griniute is a freelance writer/director with a passion for comedy. Born in Lithuania, Greta spread her wings after high school when she moved to the UK to study physical theatre and acting. Greta’s passion for film and theatre soon led her to Italy where she began her career as an assistant director with acclaimed theatre company MOTUS. Greta’s filmmaking career first took off when she attended the international film festival Cinemademare, writing and directing a handful of her own shorts as well as assisting on many others. After receiving a scholarship to study screenwriting in Los Angeles, Greta went on to write and direct her best known short film ‘Tickle My Pickle’ which has screened at festivals worldwide including LA Shorts as well as picking up a Best Director award at ARFF Berlin. Most recently Greta has completed both an MA in Directing Fiction at Goldsmiths University of London as well as a filmmaking workshop at Prague Film School. Both the shorts she made during this time are currently screening at festivals, most notably ‘Rice & Bread’ which was selected to premiere at the London Short Film Festival 2020 and got nominated at Tallinn POFF. Greta is currently continuing to write a script for her first feature.


Rice & Bread / Ryžiai ir Duona (2020, short fiction)

Life In The Dream / Gyvenimas Sapne (2019, short fiction)

Tickle My Pickle / Pakutenk Mano Agurkėlį (2019, short fiction)

First Sunday After the First Full Moon / Pirmas sekmadienis po pirmos pilnaties (2021, short fiction)

Greta Stančiauskaitė

Greta Stančiauskaitė was born in 1985 in Kaunas, Lithuania. In 2007 she received a bachelor’s degree in acting/contemporary dance in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. Afterwards she completed 8 months foundation course at European Film College, Denmark. In 2012 graduated from Vilnius College of Technologies and Design receiving a bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Arts. At the moment she’s working as a freelance motion graphic designer.


Howling Dog (2008, fiction)
Blue (2010, animation)
Fantasy in One Act / Vienos dalies fantazija (2011, animation)
Self Forgotten Trumpets / Užsimiršę trimitai (2011, dance video)
Outside / Užribis (2012, short animation)

Henrikas Kuzmickas


Untitled: A story of Love, Adventure and Revenge / Be pavadinimo: istorija apie meilę, nuotykius ir kerštą (2012, animation)

Ieva Javaitytė

Ieva Javaitytė (b. 1982) has got involved into the film pro- duction kitchen in 2002 when she worked as an assistant of Christine Lathi in a film Out of the Ashes. During the time of BA studies of cultural history and anthropology, Ieva was working in a few cultural project productions where the most memorable her project – documentary Lithuania. 24 hours. When Ieva has turned 22 years old, she won a scholarship and gone to Copenhagen for the studies at Copenhagen University. There she has made her first short films. In 2009 Ieva has studied film directing at FAMU in Prague and today she deepens her knowledges and gaines experience in film production company in Barselona.


On Wednesdays / Trečiadieniais (2011, short fiction)

Ieva Juodelytė

Ieva is a mother of five children and the founder of communities that unite women through creativity and poetry. She is a graduate of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, having completed a master’s program in directing under the guidance of Laurynas Bareiša and Marija Kavtaradzė. Her work delves into the profound layers of a woman’s experience, exploring themes such as faith, addiction, family sacrifice, creativity, and the broader concept of a woman’s fulfillment. These topics, both painful and inspiring, resonate deeply with her. She chooses to express them through the lens of subtle romance and domestic poetry.



Mauna (2025, short fiction)

Ieva Lukauskaitė

Ieva Lukauskaite is a film director and producer from Lithuania based in New York City. She has recently obtained her B.F.A in Film and Television at Savannah College of Art and Design. Throughout her career she has written, directed, produced, shot and edited a number of short films in addition to working on multiple TV shows and feature films. Her most recent short film Little Elegy was premiered in Vilnius International Film Festival and received the Red Dot Communication Design Award in Berlin. With knowledge and excitement towards all aspects of filmmaking, she strives to create a lasting impact on the audience by creating visually engaging and psychologically charged films.


(Un)directed / (Ne)Surežisuota (2011, short fiction)
Tiger Ridge / Tiger Ridge (2015, short documentary)
Little Elegy / Mažoji Elegija (2016, short fiction)

Ieva Miškinytė

Born 1981 in Vilnius, Lithuania. 2007 has graduated animation from Vilnius Academy of Art. Graduation work – animation film „The Bridge“. After has worked with variuos animation projects as animator and designer. 2012 created her debut film „The Button“ at Vilanimos film studio.


Maestro / Maestro (2005, short animation)
The Bridge / Tiltas (2007, short animation)
The Button / Saga (2012, short animation)

Ieva Morkūnaitė

Ieva Morkūnaitė graduated from Skalvija Film Academy in 2014. She finished her studies at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 2018 with a BA in Film Directing. During her studies, Ieva made several short fiction films.


Rabbit & Fox / Lapė ir kiškis (2014, short fiction)
If Only For One Night / Bet tik šiąnakt (2016, short fiction)
Charon’s Day / Charono diena (2017, short fiction)
Beneath The Powder / Po pudros sluoksniu (2020, short fiction)