Paulius Stankevičius
Paulius Stankevičius was born on April 6, 1995. Graduated from Anykščiai Jonas Biliūnas gymnasium. He has attended various dance groups since he was a child, and later started dancing professionally. In 2014, he entered Vilnius College, a dance pedagogy program, and a year later he transferred to the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, to contemporary dance. A year later, he retired from a 13-year career as a dancer and also entered the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, but this time in a video directing program. In his first year of study, he made the documentary “Journey Together” (2017), which was screened at the Edox Festival. A year later, together with the cinematographer Lina Margaitytė, he made a short film “So… bye” (2018), which won awards at international festivals. Third year – third film, in 2019 Paulius Stankevičius together with the cinematographer Lina Margaitytė made his third film “Afterlife” (2019). In the winter of 2020, he filmed his final film as a student called “Sliding” (2020). He is currently working as a director at “Bored panda studios”.
Journey together / Kelionė Kartu (2017, short documentary)
So Bye / Tai iki (2018, short fiction)
Life After Death / Pomirtinis gyvenimas (2019, short fiction)
Sliding / Slankiojančios (2020, short fiction-comedy-absurd)