Through Gloom
BlausosA talkative taxi driver roams the nightly streets. An apathetic girl enters his car. The two don’t seem to connect, until she asks to make a stop with intent to cause harm. Does their shared trip even have a destination?

Director's biography
Arnas Balčiūnas
Arnas Balčiūnas (b. 2001) had just finished his bachelor’s studies in film directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. In 2020, he graduated from the “Skalvija” film academy. His directed film “Blausos” (2022) was awarded the Silver Crane’s Egg for the best student film and won the award for the best national film at the European film forum Scanorama. The film “Hablo dėsnis” (2024) was presented at the Vilnius Short Film Festival and is touring various international film festivals. Arnas is currently in the process of creating a new short film and working in the field of film education.
Through Gloom / Blausos (2022, short fiction)
Hubble’s Law / Hablo dėsnis (2024, short fiction)
Past The Hill Of Napoleon’s Hat / Pravažiavus Napoleono Kepurę (2025, short fiction)