Young people of our time will experience the biggest technological explosion in human history. Storyline follows friends of this generation who are making hypothetical situations all day long and who later become witnesses of accident and are forced to return from digital world to reality.
Director's biography
Vilius Lukošius
Vilius Lukošius is a young, perspective director. This year he graduated from Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and attends festival with his bachelor movie. Vilius is a comedy genre director and believes that laughter is a best way to reach an audience.
Saliarka (2017, short fiction)
Pridirbo (2017, short fiction)
Soap Opera / Muilo opera (2018, short fiction)
838 (2019, short fiction)
The Spessart Inn / Špesarto smuklė (2019, short fiction)
Tesla / Tesla (2020 m., short fiction)