In the near future, after another painful break-up, a young woman named Alex applies to an institution where people are taught to live in solitude. During one of the training phases, Alex is introduced to a young employee named Kaste, whom she becomes very close with. However, the essence of the training is to unexpectedly and firmly develop the ability to live alone.
Director's biography
Karolina Nadzeikaitė
Karolina Nadzeikaitė was born and raised in Vilnius. She studied geography but quit shortly after and spent some time travelling around Europe. Since 2016, she has been studying Cinema Directing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.
Day / Diena (2016, short documentary)
Kostmos / Kostmosas (2017, short fiction)
Her / Ji (2017, short fiction)
The Box / Dėžutė (2018, short fiction)
A.A.A. / A.A.A. (2020, short fiction)
Ammu / Ammu (2020, short fiction)