Elena Kairytė

Elena Kairyte is a writer and director based in Lithuania. She graduated her master in Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy and Moscow’s High Courses of Screenwriters and Directors in Directing. In her work she focuses especially on documentary forms and their possibilities within transdisciplinarity.


Tetos Gaivos repeticijos (2012, short fiction)
My Beloved Grandfather And Grandmother / Mano mieli senelis ir senelė (2013, short documentary)
Veni Vidi Vici (2013, short-cut feature film)
Eldorado (2013, short documentary)
Lietuvos nacionalinio dramos teatro portretai (2017)
Pokalbis (2018 , short fiction)
Two Of Us / Mudu abudu (2019, short documentary)
Gandrai (2018 short documentary)
Atranka (2018 short film)
Audition / Vokalinė perkusija (2019, short fiction)
Follow me / Paskui mane (2020, short fiction)