Dovilė Petkūnaitė
Choreographer Dovilė Petkūnaitė , currently residing in Tenerife, graduated from Kaunas Art Gymnasium and later entered at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater where graduated a Bachelor’s degree in dance.In 2009 choreographer graduated masters of Contemporary Dance in Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy. Same year D.Petkunaite received the status of an artist and membership in the Lithuanian Dance Association.
Dovilė Petkūnaitė has a unique approach to choreography and seeks to look for an organic presence on stage, not in the creation of characters. The creator’s previous works focuses on apathy (Live dance installation “Greenhouse), on consumerism and ecology, (dance film “Artificial” ),on loneliness (performance “Movie Never Made”), on the theme of being in two,(dance performance”Purple dragons”) on the theme of losing one’s .Dovile examined psychological ilnesess, self-injuries, and bodybuilding topics. Recently, the choreographer has been interested in the culture of ecology and consumerism, how it affects the individual in the social environment. The themes of the absence of individual identity and loneliness dominate in Dovilė’s art.
Artificial / Dirbtinis (2020, šokis)